Back again with another function that is useful, string replacement! This one is quite obvious, you want to replace some substrings of a string with your replacement.... but how would you do that in ...
Creating dialogs for Arma 3 can be a serious pain in the a** and even worse when something does not work or is missing. A good example is ListNBox, adding tooltips to a multi column listbox means you ...
Today, I was wanting to add a nicely formatted currency to a mod I am working on and ran into a problem..... (Arma SQF has almost no decent inbuilt handling of large numbers and has many precision pro...
MusLib is a cutting-edge server and client software that seamlessly integrates with the MusLib ontology for storing and organizing digitalized objects and collections. Initially developed with a focus...
I've been quite busy this past couple of weeks moving all my gear back into my home office in preparation for the cold winter, but I wanted to make a new post. I am going to show you my "coolmsg" func...
Another Arma post, this time I'm posting my team tag SQF script. This script allows players to see friendlies up to max distance specified by definition. They are visible using the rank icon of the fr...
"Ziron" (pronounced "zi ron") is a x86 / x86-64 programming language for Microsoft Windows. Ziron mixes a low and high level syntax containing assembly instructions and high block code statements such...