Posted on October 16, 2017 at 00:15 (GMT +00:00) by
An SQF script for inserting and removing virtual earplugs!
So probably just about everyone has meddled with an ear plugs script for Arma. When I first messed around with SQF a couple of weeks ago I decided I would first make this legendary *smirk* script to hone my SQF skillz. I originally have written it to be a part of my upcoming game mode "Decay", but I decided to try make most of the functionality modular, this means it was simple enough to make it stand-alone.
// EarPlugs - part of PixeL_GaMMa library.
// Simulate having earplugs in, allowing you to hear radio over other noises
// Copyright (c) Colin J.D. Stewart. All rights reserved
// APL-ND License -
if (hasInterface) then {
PX_fnc_earPlugsInsert = {
PX_earPlugActive = true;
1 fadeSound 0.2;
player removeAction PX_earPlugAction;
hint "Ear plugs have been inserted!";
PX_earPlugAction = player addAction [("<t color='#FF0000'>Remove Ear Plugs</t>"), {call PX_fnc_earPlugsRemove}, [], 1, false, true];
PX_fnc_earPlugsRemove = {
PX_earPlugActive = false;
1 fadeSound 1;
player removeAction PX_earPlugAction;
hint "Ear plugs have been removed!";
PX_earPlugAction = player addAction [("<t color='#00FF00'>Insert Ear Plugs</t>"), {call PX_fnc_earPlugsInsert}, [], 1, false, true];
PX_earPlugActive = false;
player addEventHandler ["Respawn", {
if (PX_earPlugActive) then {
PX_earPlugAction = player addAction [("<t color='#FF0000'>Remove Ear Plugs</t>"), {call PX_fnc_earPlugsRemove}, [], 1, false, true];
} else {
PX_earPlugAction = player addAction [("<t color='#00FF00'>Insert Ear Plugs</t>"), {call PX_fnc_earPlugsInsert}, [], 1, false, true];
player addEventHandler ["Killed", { player removeAction PX_earPlugAction; }];
This script is ran client-side, and is simple to add to any of your missions. Create a sub-folder "PX" and a file inside "px_earplugs.sqf" inside your mission folder, paste the code into the file and save. Now simply execute it from your init.sqf in your mission. (note to self: Write some Arma 3 mission creation tutorials).
Your init.sqf file should contain something like this:
// execute ear plugs script
[] execVM "PX\px_earplugs.sqf";
If you find this useful or you have any issues, please drop me a comment below, now play your mission and use your player context menu for inserting and removing your ear-plugs!